Thursday, November 7, 2013


I was close to the edge of giving up. I wrote a grand total of 165 unusable words for the first five days of the 30 day sprint and basically had mentally checked out and was ready to throw in the towel.  

Then, yesterday...6k words. 

That isn't a misprint. 

I wrote 6k words of LITTLE BLACK BOOK in one day. 

Now I'm almost back on pace to finish this by the deadline. I'll need another big day.

The story so far is a running stream of sex and violence. I'll post a few chapters if people want to read this early draft material. I don't know if I still need to warn readers of this blog about the type of content--- but this book is basically--- sex, kills, more sex, more death. 

I hope to write at least 2k words today. It's early and i have my coffee. 

Follow along on twitter @NaNoWriMo @smoran26 as I take part in writing prompt sprints and no revision writing as I attempt to write 50k words in 30 days. 

Can I do it?

We shall soon see. 

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